Friday, June 29, 2007

The American Analog Set - The Fun Of Watching Fireworks

I wouldn't necessarily classify this as Post-rock. Well, yeah, I guess I will. This album is a pleasant combination of chillin' Indie, with some Post-rock. Broken Social Scene meets Explosions In The Sky meets like, mid 90's alt rock is really the only way I can accurately describe it I guess. Definitely check it out.
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American Analog Set - The Fun Of Watching Fireworks



Eoin said...

hey, thanks for the album... wouldnt mind a little bit more of these guys, although by the time you put it on i may have found some... im going to keep watching your blog, looks like youve got taste. havent heard of many of the bands, though.


Senni said...

hey, i've only heard a few of their songs before so i wanted to check 'em out.

thanks for posting it up.